Wednesday 16 May 2012

Relieving Myshelf

            Another day, another packet of cladding. I've put them all up now and put some books on them to weight them down until the glue dries. Here's how they look now -

It's left more space than I expected, so there's room for more books in the future. Until then, I guess, I'll stick assorted ornaments in the spaces.

In addition, I've put a small chest of drawers on the Stage. I picked them up somewhere, undoubtedly on the cheap, but I've had them so long I can't remember when and where. I'm guessing they were made in India.

Close up of the front

This small spice box is also Indian (I know this because it has a label on the back saying 'Made in India'). Not a lot gets past me. I bought this in Skipton for £3.

And here is another Green Man, moved from downstairs.

Here he is next to his chum.

Not a lot more to say - I've been putting shelves up, so I've been too busy to write more.

And finally, dedicated to someone I used to work for, here's some more St Jake. Words to live by.

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